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Garrett PD 6500i Walk Through Metal Detector 1
Garrett PD 6500i Walk Through Metal Detector 2
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Garrett pd 6500i walk through metal detector -

Garrett PD 6500i Walk Through Metal Detector
Garrett PD 6500i leads the industry with superior pinpoint technology and unmatched discrimination features. Designed for maximum patron throughput without compromising security, the Garrett PD 6500i is the walk-through of choice for security professionals worldwide.
Garrett PD 6500i security is the world’s highest performing walk-through metal detector and leads the checkpoint security industry with superior pinpoint technology and unmatched discrimination and sensitivity features. Designed for maximum patron throughput without compromising safety.
With more than four times the detection coils of competitive models, the Garrett PD 6500i provides uniform detection and precise pinpointing. Independent zone indicator lights on both side panels identify not only height but also left, center and right locations for one or more objects passing through the archway.
Fast, easy, versatile security. Equipped with optional casters and battery module, the Garrett PD 6500i can be rapidly deployed at special events, stadiums, schools, and other large venues. No wires to deal with. Easy to move to another location with a moment’s notice.
Garrett PD 6500i is an industry leader with superior pinpoint technology and unmatched discrimination features. This detector has proven its effectiveness at moving high volumes of patrons through such events such as the Olympic Games, World Cup 2010 South Africa, and the Pan-American Games in Mexico.
The Garrett PD 6500i has also been trusted to safeguard international airports, hotels, government buildings, and correctional facilities. With its advanced networking and ability to pinpoint targets in 33 detection zones, the Garrett PD 6500i is the walk-through of choice for security professionals worldwide.
Garrett PD 6500i Features
The Garrett walk-through has 33 pinpoint zones to precisely identify multiple target locations from head to toe on the left, center, and right sides of the body. More than 20 standard programs for multiple security applications. There is no need to change software to change security applications. Program settings include: Airports Schools Courthouses Buildings Special Events Prisons Nuclear Loss Prevention International security standards—The Garrett PD 6500i meets the world’s highest test certifications. Advanced broadband detection technology provides superior target analysis, ferrous and non-ferrous weapons detection, discrimination and higher throughput. Directional counter tracks the number of patrons that have passed through the detector, the direction of patrons, the number of alarms and calculates alarm percentage. Four directional count settings for counting (forward, reverse, subtract in reverse, and bi-directional). Superior versatility: multiple setting options designed for airports, courthouses, prisons, schools, facilities, special events, mass transit, loss prevention and many other applications. Networking ability: CMA provides networking, remote control, monitoring, data analysis and group management. Meets IP55 standards for moisture and foreign matte protection. Pacing lights at the entrance display universal ”wait” and “proceed” symbols for traffic control. Alarms: audible tone and volume adjustable. Bright LED visual alarm. Multi-Unit and Multi-Brand Compatibility: 2,300 select able operating frequencies and multiple channels allow the Garrett PD 6500i to operate in close proximity to other PD 6500i as well as other brand units. Can be added to existing checkpoints without having to replace other brand units: numerous frequency selections and excellent interference rejection. Tamper-Proof: all settings are secured with a key lock and two levels of access codes. Further security is accomplished with a cabinet lock which prevents unauthorized access to physical cables, connectors and electronics. Interference Suppression: 100% sensor coil Faraday shielding; special Garrett built-in circuitry for noise suppression and ignoring x-ray monitor.
Control Outputs: Solid state switches (low voltage AC or DC) for operating external alarms and control devices.
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